Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First Homemade Egg Sandwich

Yay! My first mostly homemade egg sandwich. Made with egg from my backyard (and one other organic one from the grocery) and spinich from my little roadside garden. And it was delicious!!

And for my mom and all of her teacher friends (for whom my one homemade egg sparked a multitude of questions), I took a photo of my backyard egg side by side with a week or so old organic egg from the grocery store.

(Grocery store on left, Backyard on right)

The only difference I can see is that the white of the egg is clear in my fresh egg, and cloudy in the other (though this is probably due to age), and though by backyard egg is smaller, the yolk is bigger. I'd like to compare it to a non-organic, non-freerange egg to check the difference in yolk color, but that would require buying gross eggs, so it probably won't happen...

On another note, these photos suck, even though I got a super fancy pants new camera for Christmas, but have unfortunately misplaced the charging cord..... so I was relegated to the crappiness of my camera phone.


Blogger KFarmer said...

You really don't want to get a grocery egg- yuck. I am ordering hen's this spring to start my flock up again. I'm getting so excited about being home! The count down is on!

8:50 AM  
Blogger Barb said...

So tell me what's the hardest thing about having chickens?

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see A LOT of difference! Look at how nicely the white of your backyard egg is standing up compared to the store bought egg. I see a way bigger difference in the summer with the yolks of my eggs than I do in the winter. When there are bugs and berries and grass for the chickens to eat they hardly touch the feed and the yolks are ORANGE. They're beautiful and very tasty.

11:47 AM  

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